Kali pertama, minggu lepas, anak sulung yang warded sebab abdominal pain/sakit perut plus constipation...warded 2 hari...
Selang 4 hari selepas tu..warded lagi sebab sakit perut yang sama...dan..saya pun warded sebab mengalami pening kepala yang sudden,setiap hari selama lebih kurang 9 hari...mula2 saya ke klinik je.biasa la kalau ckp pening, dr bagi panadol. Then ke GH...pun sama..lagi best..dr suspect sy pregnant pulak!(which is NOT sebab tgh bendera jepun pun time tu). Jadi,bila perasaan pening2 tu tak hilang selepas 9 hari, sy decide untuk admit bersama anak...
Dua hari di ward lagi ( 9Okt-11Okt) akhirnya dah tahu dah saya sakit apa...(sakit perut anak juga beransur pulih dalam tempoh ini)...
I am diagnosed as Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo(BPPV).
Benign tidak mengancam nyawa/not life threatening, paroxysmal bermaksud dia datang tiba -tiba tanpa dijangka , positional bermaksud berkaitan dengan perubahan posisi badan dan kepala, vertigo bermaksud perasaan spinning atau berpusing-pusing malahan boleh jatuh ketika mengalami vertigo attack ini.
Masa first attack pada 1 Oktober, saya sedang nak bangun dari tido, kemudian bila cuba bangun, sy jatuh ke katil semula (memang tgh duduk masa tu)...panik juga, panggil suami..suami cuba papah..still sy tak boleh bangun...sy cuba duduk sedikit demi sedikit...which take me 5 hours just untuk cuba duduk.Memang tak boleh bangun berjalan langsung..esoknya sy boleh bangun berjalan dengan sedikit terhoyong hayang...lusanya anak admit ward, saya jaga anak dalam keadaan pening2 lalat tapi boleh berjalan....kemudian anak discharge, kami berehat di rumah, then admit semula...tulah episode keluar masuk ward...
First day di hospital, doktor ENT ( ear,neck & throat) buat pemeriksaan dan sahkan BPPV, bad ear masalah telinga) adalah telinga kanan. I was like..alamak....macamana nak hiking dan lari selepas ni?Doktor cakap, rest for 2-4 weeks, no driving sebab vertigo attack ni sudden, bahaya jika saya sedang memandu. BPPV ni melibatkan masalah keseimbangan badan iaitu kerana masalah balance pada telinga.
Kemudian saya dibawa untuk buat physiotherapy, masuk hari kedua physiotherapy, amat memberangsangkan...pakar physio cakap..ok awak boleh buat light jog/walk/run ( yeay!hehehe)cuma jangan lasak sangat..tapi tak boleh drive lagi...jadi...doktor bagi mc 2 minggu untuk berehat.
Macamana boleh kena BPPV ni? boleh baca kat artikel yang sy copy di bawah...tapi selepas berbincang dengan doktor dan physiotherapist, boleh jadi :
History saya semasa kanak-kanak saya selalu selesema teruk, bila selesema sampai tarik/tangkap ke telinga kanan. Jadi mungkin masalah ni dah lama cuma bila umur dah meningkat baru lah simptomnya muncul. Lagi satu sebelum kejadian memang tgh lasak sedikit, gegaran pada kepala semasa lari dan hiking juga boleh provoke simptom ni untuk muncul...
Memang rasa agak renyah dan susah sedikit bila anak beranak hospitalised, namun akur bahawa ini cuma ujian dan dugaan kecil dari Allah SWT..alhamdulillah :) .... Kesimpulan....hargailah kesihatan anda :) ...
Link asal di sini: BPPV
Patients with BPPV usually experience vertigo when they turn over in bed, get in or out of bed, look up to a high shelf or put their head back in the shower. These are circumstances where there is a large change in the orientation of the head with respect to the pull of gravity. Patients often become imbalanced or unsteady when they get up from bed and try to walk and may even fall. They are occasionally quite ill with nausea, vomiting and other motion sickness like symptoms.
The onset of BPPV may be abrupt and frightening. Patients may even think they are having a stroke. Whenever they tilt or tip their head, they can experience extreme vertigo, imbalance, and may even fall out of bed. If they are up and around and tilt their head back or forward, they can fall to the ground. The usual course of the illness is a gradual lessening of symptoms over a period of weeks to months. Occasionally the symptoms can last for years.
While the hallmark of BPPV is episodic vertigo associated with changes in head position, many patients also have a mild degree of constant unsteadiness during the periods when they are also having the recurrent attacks of positional vertigo.
Causes of BPPV
In many patients, especially the elderly, there is no specific inciting event. As we get older, the otoconia are probably more easily sheared off from their normal positions stuck on the utricle. All of us certainly have a few of these microscopic stones floating around in our semicircular canals, but usually there are not enough of them to cause symptoms. Only when a large clump falls into one of the semicircular canals do the stones create their mischief.
In some patients, there may be a specific cause for the BPPV, including:
- Mild to moderate or severe head trauma
- Head in the same position for a long time, such as in the dentist chair, at the beauty shop or on strict bed rest
- Bike riding on rough trails
- High intensity aerobics
- Labyrinthine conditions – viral or vascular
- Ménières disease
- Vestibular migraines
The diagnosis of BPPV is made by the characteristic symptoms and also by observing the nystagmus – the jerking of the eyes that accompanies the severe vertigo patients experience when the position of their head is changed. By tilting a patient’s head way back at the end of an examining table, a doctor will try to provoke the symptoms to see the nystagmus for a thorough diagnosis.
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Bila dah mula sihat...pesakit tak lekat di katil..asyik gi lepak kaunter misi...hish. ^_^ |
ReplyDeleteI am currently suffering from BPPV time to time.
May I know that which Hospital or Doctor you go for to treat this illness? Thanks a lot!