Travel safe....
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Ready?Let's go!! |
Kat Malaysia ni, masih belum dikuatkuasakan penggunaan car seat pada bayi dan kanak-kanak...confirm ramai akan complaint dan merungut kot kalau dikuatkuasakan sebab mungkin ramai yang rasa leceh.For me, keselamatan anak tiada kompromi.Kalau boleh berhabis beratus-ratus atau beribu untuk handphone atau handbags, takkan tak boleh spend untuk keselamatan anak semasa travel dalam kereta?
Actually we are also noobs bila bab car seat ni...banyak info dapat dari kawan-kawan yang pernah stay overseas(car seat WAJIB-kalau tak pakai, sila bayar saman ya...) dan juga internet.Since I am the one who are driving my kids to kindergarten, so kena ambil tahu bab2 ni...aku mula apply kat E-ein starting September last year...sebab E-ein pernah jatuh ke bahagian ruang kaki masa aku brake emergency.Memang tak cedera apa pun, tapi lagi satu habit budak2 ni, suka melompat2 dalam kereta dan juga suka duduk tengah2 antara seat pemandu dan penumpang depan.Tak ke bahaya tu?
So, E-ein's car seat is Halford. Convertible car seat yang boleh pakai dari umur 1 tahun hingga 12 tahun (sehingga 36kg).Aisy punya just arrive last week, Ferrari Beline...semua beli di , yang mana aku beli time ada promo sale...dua2 ada removable highback ( means boleh buka dan guna seat bawah sahaja bila diorg bertambah besar dan tinggi.
Boleh rujuk di website IIHS( Insurance Institute of Highway Safety) mengenai penilaian car seat yang bagus dan not recommended setelah dibuat crash test.
The Institute puts the booster seats it tests into four categories:
- BEST BETs are seats that provide good belt fit for typical 4 to 8 year-olds in almost any car, minivan or SUV.
- GOOD BETs provide acceptable belt fit in most cars, minivans or SUVs.
- Not recommended don’t provide good belt fit and should be avoided.
- Check fit applies to booster seats the Institute has tested that have varied results depending on child size and vehicle model. This designation appears on some models in the "Search by brand" section."Source
Eein punya car seat tak ada dalam penilaian ni, mungkin tak dibuat(masa beli , tak study sgt, just tanya kawan2....).Aisy punya masuk dalam GOOD BETS for highback dan BEST BETS for backless(back removed).Tapi aku beli berdasarkan tengok kedua2 ni ada ECE R44/03 certified(Halford) dan ECE R44/04 (Ferrari Beline), dan juga budget semasa pembelian.Kod ECE ni dari Europe,menunjukkan piawaian keselamatan produk.
"ECE R44 04 is a European approval standard. Child car seats are
tested in frontal collisions at 50 km/h and rear collisions at 30 km/h
using crash test dummies and measuring instruments designed to see how
well the seats protect the test dummies.
All child car seats
currently being sold in Europe, Middle East and most Asian countries
must be ECE R44 04 approved. In most countries ECE R44 03 is not allowed
Adalah ECE R44/03 tu tak diiktiraf ? oh bukan...melalui pembacaan,ECE R44 /03 tu versi lama sikit sebelum ECE R44/04...
"The ECE R44 rev.04 is relatively new and differences are small and have nothing to do with testing. Testing procedures are exactly the same in rev.03 and rev.04, what differs has to do with manufacturers.
In rev.03 seats were tested and there was after that not much oversight of manufacturers. If a seat is tested with the new rev.04 it means that responsible organization is continuously verifying the manufacturing procedure and check so that seats which were once verified are also the same one which are being sold."from Google
Dengan kata lain, ECE R44/03 ni depa buat test juga using crash test tapi selepas tu manufacturer tak follow up atau buat test baru.Kalau ECE R44/04 , manufacturer buat test berterusan untuk pantau produk...
Dan....kebanyakan kereta yang diguna di Malaysia, seat kereta tak berapa friendly dengan car seat except keluaran Europe(Ford , dll) dan beberapa keluaran Jepun ( E.g Nisan Teana, Toyota Wish)..huhuhu... tak ada anchor untuk top tether car seat.Car seat yang aku beli ni kira sederhana juga sebab tak ada top tether...tapi aku try buat DIY dengan ikat belt pada bahagian head rest kereta aku dengan head rest car seat tu...yang ada top tether ni, mahei sangat pulak ribu riban...#tepukdahi.Anyway better than tak ada carseat, yang mana car seat adalah usaha untuk meningkatkan keselamatan anak2 semasa kita drive ..insya Allah...
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Ferrari Beline Scuderia |
sgt setuju. car seat ni memang penting. Ayu dulu..masa Ian kecik, dia memang tak suka duduk dlm car seat. nasib la time tu tak payah drive. but bila time Iris..Ayu kena drive and nasib baik plak..dia ok duduk dlm car seat. Ayu g guna sweet cherry.
ReplyDeletesweet cherry tu sy ada beli..infant seat..boleh guna newborn until 1 year ..
ReplyDeletemak aih..details. sama carseat anak kita. berbaloi keluar sikit duit. anak pon ok behave jek dlam tu kalau kita terangkan elok2